Offset And Share

Step 1: Offset Your Carbon Footprint

Offset & Share is a campaign aimed at convincing people to offset their carbon emissions and spread the word about the importance of carbon offsetting.

If you want to help us in our fight to stop Climate Change, the first step is to erase your carbon footprint. Our partner Project Wren allows you to calculate and offset your carbon footprint by funding carbon reduction & removal projects to neutralize your emissions. Click below and Wren's website will open in a new window. Once you choose your carbon offsetting plan, go back here.

Offset Now

Step 2: Share If You Care

This step is just as important as the first one. In order for our campaign to succeed and have a real impact on reducing carbon emissions, we need you to share this page with all your friends or followers and encourage them to join our fight. Spreading the word is what creates awareness and gives more people the chance to offset their emissions and have a positive impact.

Why Sharing Is Important

Our campaign relies on social media sharing in order to succeed. To have a meaningful impact when it comes to reducing carbon emissions, we need millions of people to offset their footprint. Reaching so many people can only be achieved if those who truly care about the Climate Emergency are sharing our website. We need help from everyone. While a big influencer can attract thousands of new people to our cause, everyone can make a small difference by sharing this page to friends and followers. If our campaign goes viral, it could result in millions of tons of CO2 being offset.

If only one out of ten people who visit our page will share it and bring an average of fifty new people, the long term viral effect is huge:

Sharing Is Caring

Even if only one out of one hundred people who visit our page will offset their carbon footprint, the above model shows almost one million people could offset if the page goes viral and reaches 100 million visits.

Offset Carbon Footprint